For many years, we have been actively working to make the squares, streets and services of the inner districts of Pest as accessible as possible for all people. Our goal is to create a CITY OF 15 MINUTES, where everyone can live well, where everyone can find the services they need in their daily lives and where these basic services are available to all city dwellers. Our aim is to reduce both physical and social distances, and to make the city truly an extension of our living rooms.
Our mission is to create a 21st century urban space that is both sustainable and a place for everyday life. We do this through urban, environmental, social and cultural projects. We strengthen urban communities and neighbourhood relations.

Our story
As members of a community in the inner 7th district of Budapest (Erzsébetváros) burdened by serious and deep conflicts, we launched the COLORFUL ERZSÉBETVÁROS project, which was soon extended to neighbouring districts..NES ERZSÉBETVÁROS projektet, amit aztán kiterjesztettünk a szomszédos kerületekre is.
The aim of the project was to show the 15 MINUTE CITIES we live in with their beauty, difficulties and challenges to be overcome. Our voice was heard on key projects such as the renovation of Blaha Lujza Square, the rethinking of Rákóczi út, the revitalisation of the Great Boulevard, the humanisation of transport in Inner-Erzsébetváros, or even ringing the first bell on the issue of pavement closures in Inner-Erzsébetváros.
We have brought issues and initiatives to city, district and national decision-makers to create a CITY OF SMALL DISTANCES (KIS TÁVOLSÁGOK VÁROSA).
Our aim was and remains to create an easily accessible, colourful and exciting urban space. One where sustainable modes of transport are prioritised and which encourages not only progress but also neighbourhood connections.
We also aim to bridge the gap between the city's inhabitants through cultural programs and social dialogue. We want our city to be green and open and our communities to be strong through solidarity.